American Express Syndicated Player

As Lead Creative I was responsible for concepting, UX exploration, interface design, and temporal specification of the Amex Syndicated Player – a rich media ad unit that won Gold at the 2010 Mixx Awards. Player content was curated by Amex and specifically addressed issues and interests relevant to users of each host site. The success of the original player in converting plays into click-through and Card applications resulted in the commission of two additional players. It also served as a model predecessor for several Amex mobile apps.

01. Amex Syndicated Player OPEN branding

With 600 million monthly page views and a popularity ranking of 112 in the US, represents the online face of the company and is the first port of call for all Cardmembers, Merchants and prospects. My involvement during my 4 years at Digitas New York ran to strategic direction, UI redesigns, and UX upgrades. I was also asked to develop and refine the site-wide navigation system and its associated wireframes.

01. big-pitch homepage
Membership Summary

A visual collation of key spend figures unique to each Amex Cardmember formed the basis of this project. My brief centered upon the identification of key data points and their translation into simple infographics that could then be manipulated quickly to engage users and deliver meaningful insights into Cardmember spend habits.

01. Membership Summary Insight I
Go Social App

Go Social allows Amex Merchants to create and offer discounts and deals to targeted Cardmembers who can then load the offers directly onto their Amex Cards. Merchants are also able to create and oversee these offers using a dashboard app, containing realtime campaign updates (how many customers redeemed the offer, the amount they spent, and whether they became repeat customers, etc). This platform was extremely well received by tech media outlets, and was seen as a win-win for buyers and sellers, having 'out-innovated' Groupon and Google Offers.

To explore an early iPhone prototype, go to in any iPhone's browser.
01. Concept design for customer-facing app

After working with Samsung for several years on a variety of projects, Digitas New York was tasked with a complete re-design of I was part of the team that concepted and produced finished page designs, with careful consideration of customer behaviour, experience, and a disparate selection of user journeys. These designs were then used by Samsung's South Korean team as templates to construct the new site and it's associated 4,000+ pages.

01. Product page, incorporating specs, accessories, and support
ATLAS iPad App

ATLAS was a search and mapping application that allowed Cardmembers to find Amex merchants offering the products they sought. Results were based on the user's current location and could be adjusted to match how far the user was prepared to travel. Discounts and deals exclusive to Cardmembers were also returned in the search results. I was responsible for UI design and UX optimisation, and worked closely with the Creative Director on a range of use-cases to ensure all scenarios were explored and successfully accommodated.

01. ATLAS Search results in designated/local area
Business Insights

Business Insights is a high-end web-based statistics application developed by Amex for some of North America's largest retailers. I worked on this project from the day it was conceived until the final pixel came to rest during the execution phase. Over a two year span, this covered creation of concept, development of concept, leadership through design and build, and further upgrades and development based on client and end-user response. The complexity of the app and its continuous evolution necessitated application architecture and UI design run concurrently. Myself and the lead IA worked across both disciplines to reach the optimum solution under the Agile framework.

01. List creation interface
Big Break for Small Business

Big Break is a social media campaign that offers small businesses the chance to gain exposure and prizes aimed at improving or expanding their business. Facebook was used as the platform for the competition, with designed pages being custom-built in collaboration with Facebook's in-house developers. My role encompassed UI / UX design, and contest messaging.

01. Campaign landing page
Account Profile

This project was recognised by a 2010 Forrester Report as "setting the pace online with best-practice filtering and sorting" within the Credit Card industry. Amex Cardmember account preferences were grouped into applet-like sub-sections, exposing customers to options they may have otherwise missed. With 50 million Amex Cardmembers in the US and almost 100 account preferences available to each, this site needed to be extremely simple and easy to use. As Lead Creative I was responsible for UI / UX design, and led the design team in the creation of finished templates.

01. Preference pane incorporating activation switches and tracking sliders